Personal Storage in Alsace: What Will Fit?

When looking to rent personal storage in Alsace, one of the most important questions personal you need to answer is how much can fit in a unit. If you're considering rental of a 10x12 unit, it's essential to know how much fits and whether one storage unit is enough for your possessions.

10x12 self storage units are usually recommended for storing three or four rooms of personal belongings. This varies depending on the items you want to store, but it's a reasonable guideline if you have no idea how much space you need. Let's say, for example, you have a number of boxes, a small bed, desk and other items of furniture. A 10x12 storage unit should comfortably provide enough space.

A 10x12 storage unit is also appropriate for office storage. It's not uncommon for small business owners to need extra space to accommodate records storage requirements for their operation or office furniture that's no longer in use.

Getting Ready for Storage

If you have trouble picturing what a 10x12 storage space looks like, you might want to take a look at one of our personal storage units before you start packing your items.  We know that it can be hard to imagine the size without seeing it in person.

To some extent, what can be stored in a 10x12 unit depends on the shape of the items. Furniture can be compact and easy to store, or irregularly shaped and take up lots of room. For this reason, it's important to analyze the items in each of your rooms before deciding whether one unit is big enough for your requirements.

Filling Your Storage Unit

Generally, you don't want to fill a personal storage unit from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. While you should make use of the vertical space, it can be helpful to be able to walk around the unit to access specific items. This is especially important if you're storing items you use regularly in a public storage facility.

It's essential to keep in mind that the size of a storage unit is only part of the equation. There are a number of other factors you need to consider, including:

If you aren't sure which size storage space you need, start by taking an inventory of the items you want to store. Which items fit in boxes? Is the furniture delicate or can you place items on top of it? Once you know exactly what you want to put into storage, it's easy to choose the right storage facility for you.

Call us at 610.832.8000 ext. 218 for information about our storage options.
Woodside can handle all of your needs for personal storage in Alsace.